A Place For Everything
Chip and Joanna have taken care in ensuring everything has its own place, which is most of the reason why the whole house appears to be completely organized. There is nothing without a home in this incredible little farmhouse.

A Place For Everything
This also teaches the children important things about cleanliness and organization. You might think that this is more to keep the place tidy, but being neat and organized is an essential way to be raised. It is most appealing that everyone’s belongings have an ideal place.
Enough Play Space
Having several children suggests that there needs to be enough space for playtime. With all their games, play areas, and friends being invited over often, one might fear that things would get a bit claustrophobic. Luckily, Chip and Joanna have that covered.

Enough Play Space
The boys can be seen enjoying building card houses on the staircase. This photo shows that the couple encourages playtime and that there are adequate areas in the house for the children to play and have fun.