What You Thought Was A Quirky Accident Of Manufacture Is In Fact A Design Feature

Published on 08/26/2019

There are many items that we use on a daily basis, whether in the house, in the workshop, or at the office, that look or feel a certain way for no apparent reason. We may have noticed things like a peculiar dimple on a bottle; a random piece of cloth or a button sewn onto a shirt; or quirkily folded containers… But never quite understood why these details were there in the first place. Maybe, just maybe, the stuff that we throw out could be kept and reused for a different purpose. Who knows, there could even be money-saving benefits to these quirky details that we hadn’t realized before!

Did You Know That These Common Household Items Are Meant To Be Used This Way?

What You Thought Was A Quirky Accident Of Manufacture Is In Fact A Design Feature


A Secret Behind A Humble Toothpick

If you have ever had the chance to use a Japanese-made toothpick, you’ve probably wondered what the expanded section on the end-side does. Your sentiments are not unique to you. many people have speculated in rather unique ways trying to give their own reasons for that extended part. some say that you use it to indicate if you are done using it by clipping the ends. This part is meant to be utilized as a toothpick perch. Throughout the meal, hold it near to your dish.

A Secret Behind A Humble Toothpick

A Secret Behind A Humble Toothpick