50 Custom Car Wraps You Definitely Should See

Published on 06/16/2020


When driving on a highway, you might be thinking of a snack you’d like to have once you reach your destination. No? Well, once you see this truck passing by, you will be. Who wouldn’t want a truck-sized Mars bar? This enormous and mouth-watering design is just unfair. How could we possibly be satisfied with a single, tiny Mars bar after seeing somethings this magnificent? We are going to head off to Google to find some giant Mars bar recipes.

Truck Sized

Truck Sized


No Smoking

This is just a subtle way to remind the drivers around that no heat source can go near the truck. If this truck does so happen to be too close to a heat source, it most definitely will start smoking. Get it? Smoking kills, people, but while a single person might be headed for the afterlife sooner than they thought if they don’t manage to kick the habit, a stay cigarette landing near this truck will take many others with you.

No Smoking

No Smoking