50 Custom Car Wraps You Definitely Should See

Published on 06/16/2020

Cash For Miles

Did you know that you could make extra cash as you drive around town? There are companies that will pay you to drive cars with advertisements for goods and services. This themed car advertises for Levi’s and the driver gets paid as well! While most people will happily be paid to slap some unobtrusive stickers on their cars, this person decided that having their vehicle transformed into a pair of jeans was worth the money.

Cash For Miles

Cash For Miles


A Toothy Grin

Isn’t this an awesome idea? Normally we would see this on a B-52 or B-29 WWII bomber or a fighter jet. This brilliant vehicle wrap makes this car looks just as mean with its WWII period signature toothy grin!? We are sure that veterans of all ages appreciated this design, even if it does not come with 12 AGM-129 advanced cruise missiles. We love that this vintage military design is being kept alive to this day.

A Toothy Grin

A Toothy Grin