War Room
They carefully approached the massive torpedo and were brave enough to wipe away enough of its filthy coating to see that it was green in color, as with most torpedoes. When the police arrived, they brought with them a bomb expert, who identified the torpedo as being leftover from the Korean-Vietnamese war. Alarmingly, this torpedo had not been hauled down into the basement by the previous owners as some kind of extreme souvenir – they were serious about war, and who knew what they would have ended up doing with it had they been given the right opportunity.
Wine And Dine
We now move on to another English couple who acquired an exquisite Victorian-style property. Everything seemed normal with the home until they found that their way into the deeper parts of the basement was barred with an odd iron gate. They decided to leave the gate alone, that was until they found themselves inspired after a good bottle of wine, as most interesting stories begin with. They decided to investigate this sinisterly guarded part of their new home.