They Just Wanted To Renovate Their Home – They Could Have Never Expected That The FBI Would Invade Their Property

Published on 12/07/2020

Behind The Door

It seemed like the real estate worker had failed to mention that this mysterious room contained far more than just an ordinary water heater. As they finally opened the shady door, their jaws dropped as their now finely tuned treasure-detecting senses were razor sharp. There was a treasure gathering dust inside which was of unprecedented worth, even for the now well-endowed couple! If they ever saw that estate agent again, they would certainly have words.

Behind The Door

Behind The Door


Deliberately Misleading

Why had this estate agent gone out of her way to hide this room from the couple? She was obviously trying her best to stop Rick and Kelly from poking around where they weren’t wanted and uncovering her well-kept treasures. They had so many questions for the agent, and they knew that they could get some desperately relevant information from her. Still, they were not going to reveal to anyone just how much they knew (and possessed) of this treasure trove.

Deliberately Misleading

Deliberately Misleading