Ancient History
This was not only the run-of-the-mill teenage tomfoolery as Rick would soon discover. There was something far more sinister to this location. As he progressively stripped the basement’s walls, he soon discovered the true extent of the vandalism. The murky wallpaper had concealed a cryptic series of symbols resembling some type of hieroglyphics. It felt like he had stumbled on some kind of mystery, one which would weigh on his mind for all the rest of the life.

Ancient History
The Cramped Detective
But there more concerning additions to the walls that this couple had for so many years been completely oblivious to. Beyond the enigmatic graffiti, there was an item jammed within the walls’ foundations. Rick had to admit that his curiosity was getting the better of him as he commenced yanking on the thing with all his might. He might have been older than most detectives, but he was still fit and strong. It took some strain on his behalf, but eventually, the object began dislodging itself.

The Cramped Detective