Sparking Curiosity
When the couple looked, they saw a brown bag adrift in the lake. Because Jason had gazed out over the ocean as soon as he stepped out of the vehicle, he was very certain that it hadn’t been there when he had woken up that morning. Sebastian had inquired as to whether or not they should obtain it themselves. Because the bag seemed to be doing nothing more than hanging there, he was curious as to what was inside of it.

Sparking Curiosity
Unreachable Bag
But the bag was well out in the middle of the river, and the boats that the family had taken along required some more prepping before they could get into the water. Jason intended to carry out his plans later in the evening. They still had a lot of things they needed to get done for the day, but they planned on going canoeing somewhere the next day. Therefore, he did not want to hurry up the procedure in any way.

Unreachable Bag