Camping Tales
Everyone continued to have a great time for the remainder of the Millers’ camping trip. The owner of the campsite was a very pleasant and hilarious man who had a variety of anecdotes to share with his visitors. He was able to keep his guests entertained with stories from his life throughout the rest of their stay. The man had his own life filled with a great lot of intriguing and enjoyable adventures, so he could speak from personal experience.

Camping Tales
This Won’t Be The Last
After promising him that they will return at some point in the future, the Millers traveled back to their home with a good laugh as much as a good scare. They continue to recount this narrative to all of their other traveling buddies in addition to their close pals. They were in such a state of disbelief that they were unable to determine with absolute certainty whether or not the account that the proprietor of the campground told them was accurate…

This Wont Be The Last