A Clown’s Mask
Inside the bag, there was a clown’s mask. It terrified Jason to the point that he couldn’t think straight. Who in their right mind would behave in such a manner? a question often asked. What was the point of putting it in there in the first place? At precisely that moment, the owner of the camping place started walking in their direction. He said that he had heard Macy screaming and had questioned what had transpired after asking her about it.

A Clowns Mask
Owner Speaks Up
Macy relayed to the owner of the campsite the news that they had discovered a mask belonging to a guy inside of it, and that she had demonstrated the mask to them. The man began to giggle, and very immediately after that, he recognized the rascal for what he was. In every aspect, it was his own personal property! Macy and Jason, both of whom were confused by the events that have place, approached the man in order to inquire about what was going on from his perspective. The explanation was given by the said owner.

Owner Speaks Up