Rigorous Product Testing
Aldi is committed to stocking only the most rigorously tested products. Incredibly, even their kitchens possess intense quality and sanitary practices. Every product is checked at least thirty times before its supply to stores. Further, each of their products is tested again each time a rival brings out comparable items.

Rigorous Product Testing
Talking About ‘Verzicht’
While we’ve had some trouble trying to translate this word properly into English, ‘verdict’ means to carry on regardless of the required minimums. Their philosophy is one of rationality and frugality. There is a code of silence regarding Aldi employees and their communication with the media, however, one regional manager released a book which revealed Audi’s commercial strategies. This allowed the public an insight into the multinational’s motto, which is one of simplicity. Aldi will single-mindedly strive towards its objectives, no matter the cost.

Talking About Verzicht