I Never Believed in Fate
Heidi had never believed in fate before that day, but after seeing the proof for herself, there was no denying that they were on a destined path to be together. Having been a fan of coincidences before, she was now more open-minded to the universe having a bigger plan for all of us than we could control. Whatever lay ahead for the two, it seemed like they were supposed to take it all on together, the good and the bad.

I Never Believed In Fate
The Wedding of Dreams
If ever she had any doubts about marrying Ed, she was now as sure as ever that she wanted to get married to him. They simultaneously realized that they had shared time together before, and in a way, it strengthened their bond beyond what had already formed over the four years that they were together. This was a long-standing relationship that had an almost miraculous boost. They were strongly in love with one another, now and forever.

The Wedding Of Dreams