Setting Up For Victory
In setting up the dinner, Ed and Heidi made sure to include some of the things that both of their mothers liked. As it turned out, two of the things their mothers liked most – their own children – would be at the dinner anyway, so there were little preparations to be made in the first place. It also helps that they got along very well too! It seemed like the two women were about to have a pleasant time with their kids.

Setting Up For Victory
A Surprise Ending
The evening was a big deal, because everyone assumed this would be the start of Ed and Heidi’s journey as life partners. The mothers were excited to hear the good news, and were expecting to discuss the solid plans for the future that would bring their families together. But there were forces at work that would come out of the blue. Little did they know that by the end of the night, things would have changed in a massive way.

A Surprise Ending