Planning For The Future
In seeing less of each other, they needed to work harder to keep the relationship going. This would help them both to lay a solid foundation before making a serious commitment like marriage. They both wanted to grow old together, they knew they just had to give themselves some time. With so little time to share with each other, this couple did their best to make each other happy and contribute to each others’ wellbeing.

Planning For The Future
A New Direction
As things panned out, Heidi took a job with Sony Interactive Entertainment, working as a promotion specialist. Ed had dreams beyond psychology, wanting to open his own coffee shop in Southfield. While Heidi was on her way to a spectacularly successful career really quickly, Ed’s fortunes were taking longer to pan out. The man was not jealous but was incredibly happy for his woman. They were both building up their careers slowly and steadily at the time.

A New Direction