Bathroom Loo Roll
When your loo roll comes to an end, the carboard cylinder can come in handy when it’s time to plant new seeds for a flower garden. Grab a waterproof container and stuff it with finished loo roll cylinders. Stuff each cylinder with potting soil and sow the seeds within the cardboard. It will soon come to shifting the soon-to-be flowering plant to your garden, where you can insert the cylinder straight into the earth. The cardboard will decompose in a few weeks while protecting the germinating seeds.

Bathroom Loo Roll
Get Rid of Slimy Invaders
Weeds are just one of a few major garden pests which will attack a flowering plant. Ravenous slugs will completely destroy a plant. A great hack for avoiding this disaster is to grab a beer (no, not to mourn your dead plants with) and fill a dish with it. Place the trap in the most slug-filled area and they will be irresistibly drawn to their fizzy doom. You can now sit back and relax as your fizzy trap does all the work for you.

Get Rid Of Slimy Invaders