Spreading Soapy Solutions
Beyond slugs, rabbits and deer will also try and come and munch on your hard work. It might not be very sophisticated, but soap is a great ward for furry feasters. Grind a bar of soap into dust and spread it throughout your most delicious-looking plants. Just don’t carpet bomb your garden entirely! The soapy smell is bound to repel critters while sparing your plants any chemical damage. Just keep rinsing and repeating until the animals give up.

Spreading Soapy Solutions
Mulch Protection
Upon having finishing planting everything in your garden, it is time to carpet the area with mulch. Prior to this process, however, you will want to create a weed-proof border with sections of cardboard at the soil-level. Next, line the mulch on top of your cardboard fencing, prohibiting weeds from infesting the place. Cardboard boxes can be easily acquired from your local department store, that will happily give you their trashed cardboard boxes for free (or a small price).

Mulch Protection