Requests Being Ignored
Troy, one of the EMTs, went over to the sergeant to instruct his men to remove their service vehicle so they could pass with the injured passenger. Rather than responding, the sergeant maintained his absolute impassable look as if no one was talking to him. After much pleading from the EMT, he sent over the request – but not before mumbling irritably to himself. However, after the instructions were given, the other officers decided they needed to ignore that dire request to the highest level.
Heightened Impatience
What shocked Troy the most was when the police refused to budge. Were they really going to keep obstructing the traffic and blocking the ambulance? The sergeant somehow didn’t like the deputy’s response, so he decided to approach him to see what was going on. Testing the doors, the cruiser was closed. This angered Troy further into more impatience and he shouted that they had to leave right away. At this point, the ambulance had long been ready to go.