Constructions Mistakes That Will Keep You Wondering

Published on 10/31/2019

When is A Pool Not A Pool?

Clearly, not a lot of maintenance happens at this establishment. Considering the pavement needs a good scraping and a coat of paint but how about the algae in the pool! Oh, it’s been filled in? That might have warranted a mention in the motel brochure! So, the idea of passing the day, or even just a few hours, with inexpensive lounging about the pool, or even children entertaining themselves in it, was now probably going to become an expensive visit to the mall.

A Pool But Not Really

When is A Pool Not A Pool?

Perhaps though, as the steps and handrails are still in place, they intend to give the pool a face-lift and use all that soil for landscaping. Until such time, though, if you like to end a hot, sweaty day with a cooling swim, you’ll be needing to look elsewhere.


Not The Best View

Don’t we all, after arriving at our destination in the early hours, wake up in the morning at an exotic location and want to throw back the curtains to take in the view of the sea just beyond swaying palm trees. Not so fast dude, the only view of the palm trees in this hotel requires a walk through the shower to get to the balcony. And then, on the other side of the swaying fronds is… another building.

Enjoy The View After A Shower

Not The Best View

The reason for the architect designing the room layout this way is puzzling, but perhaps rather than lying in bed with a cup of coffee to savor the view, he reckoned it would be better to see while taking a shower. Of course, if you are sharing accommodation, this introduces a whole lot of logistical complications!