In any industry, there will be ‘professionals’ who might have benefited from a bit more training and guidance before they were allowed to pick up a hammer. Everyone has an off day here and there, although in certain professions there is simply no room for error; construction being one of them. However, this list of incredibly funny construction mistakes proves that even an entire team of professionals can make fundamental errors. Time to get cracking!
Simply Unreal
We can only hope that any parent passing this park will notice what’s wrong before allowing their children to play; unless they really don’t like their children of course, in which case it is perfect! Not only are there quite a few large pits in the ground, but we can only hope that these creepy pits don’t actually lead somewhere. It seems like the bottom of this slide’s sudden hard turn was meant to direct a speeding child away from the hole.

Simply Unreal
Accident Waiting To Happen
Have you ever looked at something and thought, “that’s an accident just waiting to happen?” There’s no denying that this photo is the perfect example of bad planning, or rather, no planning. Clearly, the team of contractors that did this had absolutely no good ideas and we can only hope that anyone driving down this road is extremely cautious… They could have at least tried to place the pole in the middle of the yellow line!

Accident Waiting To Happen