Even though being employed in a pawn shop may not be everyone’s cup of tea, the position does require very particular traits. A pawn shop clerk needs to be a shrewd haggler and needs to have a keen and discerning eye. Chumlee had to quickly learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff when it came to customer’s offers. However, the position would still only require minimal effort and is often not one’s most desired job.
Half A Decade Later
Regardless, Chumlee still managed to become a reality TV star. Just five years after he started his position at Gold and Silver, Chumlee’s life took an incredibly charming turn. When History Channel producers discovered this hidden gem of a reality TV show, they realized that they had an incredibly lucrative and watchable cast of characters with the pawnshop boys. They were a colorable bunch, but Chumlee stood out for his hilarious antics and silly personality.