Troubles On The Horizon
Considering just how good things were going for Chumlee, it’s hard to imagine that anything could possibly go wrong. Chumlee seemed to be walking an honest and virtuous path, and he appeared to have everything under control. But people can run into dramatic challenges at any point in their lives. Even though Chumlee appeared to be living the good life, the first hint of disaster struck in March 2016. What had Chumlee gotten up to?

Troubles On The Horizon
Concerning Charges
During this time, Chumlee was listed as a suspect in a sexual assault investigation. Even though the charges that were made by another shop employee were dropped, the situation was understandably concerning for Chumlee and his countless fans. Few people could expect that the sweet-faced and lovable Chumlee would be capable of such a horrible act, but as we have learned in recent times, many famous people in the spotlight take advantage of their powerful positions to abuse those around them.

Concerning Charges