Dodge Charger
In this case, we looked to for guidance. They told us that the price of driving a 2015 Dodge Charger after 5 years’ usage will cost an owner more than $41k. Initially, this vehicle went for $26k, with owners suffering more than 45% in value depreciation at $8k. This was borne of the fact that the majority of these models are unappealing and lack much in the way of add-on features which would otherwise spark further investment. You can bet that Dodge’s rivals with an abundance of upgradable and desirable vehicles could add to the already stringent depreciation process.

Dodge Charger
Chevrolet Camaro
With the Chevy Camaro being a speedy and sporty model, it is sad that its worth lessens by 39% across its initial year of possession. It must be the most severe depreciation standard we will discuss here. Generally, the price of a 2015 Camaro would go for around $40k across five years. Following its departure from the place of purchase, its worth drops to $23.7k. Then, a year later, you will suffer another value drop of a stinging $8k. American produced sports cars like this one and the Mustang or Corvertte will always enjoy a titanically loyal following with their luxury statuses. For this reason, they all suffer comparable worth deficits.

Chevrolet Camaro