Slightly Strange but Extremely Effective: Car Tricks Every Driver Should Know!

Published on 02/19/2021

Another Purpose for Hand Sanitizer

So obviously hand sanitizer is a really useful prop to have with you while you are out and about, and for those of us who were less familiar with it in general, recently we all had no choice but to get to know this product better than ever. But here it can come in handy for another time-wasting problem – de-icing your car lock! Other tips for de-icing the lock are applying WD-40, using a lighter to warm the key, or for more effort, breathing warm air onto the handle.

Another Purpose For Hand Sanitizer

Another Purpose For Hand Sanitizer


Pool Noodles Car Protection

This may sound strange, especially if you are one to think of the garage as your sanctuary of tools and metal and nuts and bolts, then brightly colored pool noodles on the walls may sound a little off-putting or just plain weird. But if you love your car and your garage space doesn’t give you much wiggle-room, then save yourself the worry of scratching your car (or worse!) and simply place a couple of pool needles (either whole or cut into two) on the walls of the garage, making sure you can’t scrape or bump into the walls.

Pool Noodles Car Protection

Pool Noodles Car Protection