Sitting Pretty
As the area’s population rises, finding a good parking place anywhere near to the place that you live is both crucial and also quite an exercise for your patience. It’s a smart move this woman devised a brilliant parking option although it feels like it’s a bit unorthodox. we are not really even concerned if this is legal or not, it’s just too funny. what is concerning about it though is the amount of effort and money you’ll have to put in every single time you’re driving your car out of there! well, as long as it’s safe we guess.

Sitting Pretty
Meeting In The Middle
Obviously, this picture does not prove that a lady is always to be blamed for the traffic jam, but this event is too hilarious not to point out! Consider how this tangled web was created by a single motorist that had no idea what he or she was doing. It’s going to be such a hassle to try and deal with! Looking at it from a positive view though, and of course not considering the fact that its making havoc in the city, is at least these people seem to be meeting in the middle.

Meeting In The Middle