A Staircase Fit for a King
We looked at how Wayne planned to have a staircase that would be the only way in and out of the bunker, but he was not happy just to have an ordinary entrance. Once the roof was up and secure; Wayne got to work on making the grand entrance for the bunker, one fit for a king!

A Staircase Fit For A King
Leaving a wide opening from the roof, he installed some rebar to help support the entrance. Think the entrance is an afterthought? Why go to all this trouble if you’re going to keep the entrance simple. Well if you’re going to do it, why not do it properly.
Here Come the Concrete Blocks
Safety was at the forefront of Wayne’s mind when he decided to make his bunker. He made sure that his bunker was safe and that everything was up to code.

Here Come The Concrete Blocks
Wayne built his bunker to last and it looks like it could even work as a makeshift bomb shelter. But is this was he was originally building or does he have something else in mind for this underground bunker?