A Grand Entrance
The entrance to an underground bunker is very important in its design. Wayne laid out concrete steps, making the top step the same height as the top of the bunker. It was the logical thing to do.

A Grand Entrance
The simple staircase offers more convenience than a ladder or a fireman’s pole and looks better too. Now that the basic structure was in place, Wayne could start looking at finishing up the exterior and also getting ready to complete the interior.
Support Beams for Stability
Two I-beams were inserted in order to stabilize the whole structure and to make it as safe as possible. Although it seems that such a big container wouldn’t be able to move much, in reality, the ground could shift at any time, possibly leaving the bunker unstable.

Support Beams For Stability
The two I-beams were also intended to be frames to help with further plans that Wayne had for the exterior of the bunker. So what else was he planning? Well, it will be apparent soon