He Dug a Hole in his Yard and All the Neighbours were Jealous

Published on 02/20/2020

Others Have Also Thought a Bunker is a Good Idea

Perhaps there is no war on American soil at the moment, many people opt to have a bunker in their home and there are many of them around. During the cold war, the American Government suggested that people create fallout shelters and bunkers in their basements and yards.

Others Have Also Thought A Bunker Is A Good Idea

Others Have Also Thought A Bunker Is A Good Idea

It was recommended that these bunkers make use of lots of concrete and that the roof was made to be strong and secure. In the 1960s the shelters weren’t great, but now people have access to much more information and more readily available resources

Bunker Businesses are Booming

In 2017 bunker building businesses started doing lots of business as foreign relations grew tense and Americans began preparing for a war-time situation. The future was uncertain and so the demand for bunkers started increasing

Bunker Businesses Are Booming

Bunker Businesses Are Booming

business owner, Clyde Scott of Rising Bunkers in Texas, reported that his business was at an all-time high in 2016-2017. His sales have increased by at least 400% and have grown to a $10 million a year business. This was reported in the Independent.
The total cost of the bunker may surprise you!