The Mother Who Sold Her Baby’s Crib And The Buyer Who Told Her To Look Inside It What Was Inside?

Published on 08/12/2021

Crib For Sale

A year following Valerie’s discovery, she decided to make some cash by having an everything-must-go yard sale. While searching through her things, Valerie spotted a crib lying in the room’s corner. She felt a cold woosh up her back.

Crib For Sale

Crib For Sale

Almost immediately, Valerie was overcome with a strong need to sell the thing. It only took minutes for her to snap some pictures and put the crib up for sale. The eager seller did not think it was necessary to mention a particularly disturbing detail, however.


In Search Of A Crib

On the other side of town, an old carpenter named Gerald Kumpula, along with his spouse Lorene, spotted the crib that Valerie had listed. They knew that their granddaughter, who also happened to be pregnant, would need a crib, and so they wished to purchase Valerie’s.

In Search Of A Crib

In Search Of A Crib

Despite being second-hand, the crib seemed to be in good condition from the pictures. It also helped that Valerie was selling the thing for such a bargain. Gerald believed that he would have no issues if he bought it. Sadly, he would live to regret this decision.