A Protective Credit Card Cover
The new RFID credit cards are very convenient and easy to use; you can pay just by tapping the card to the machine. But the lack of pin also makes it vulnerable to unauthorized payments.

A Protective Credit Card Cover
So how do you protect yourself? Aluminum to the rescue yet again! Using the foil, you can make a little pouch for your card, and the aluminum will act as a protective barrier from unwanted purchases, as it won’t allow for scanning or reading the card data while wrapped in the foil.
Getting the Light Right
All beginner photographers know that one of the most frustrating issues in trying to get the photograph right is getting the lighting right. As amateurs we mostly don’t have access to all the high-end flashes and light reflectors, so end up compromising with underexposed images.

Getting The Light Right
But fear not! As aluminum is here to help yet again! Wrap a couple of layers around a piece of cardboard and you have your very own portable light reflector, allowing you to focus all the ambient light onto a single subject.