Ultimate Life Hacks: Things You Never Knew About Aluminum Foil and Plastic Wrap

Published on 06/16/2019

Re-Sealing Open Bags

Often one doesn’t know exactly how much nibbles to buy for a little gathering of friends, or you want variety and end up buying a good number of family packs of chips so that you can have a pick and mix. Which is all well and good, until those extras left in the bag spill out of the cabinet all over the kitchen floor.

Re Sealing Open Bags

Re-Sealing Open Bags

We have a good solution to this problem, and you don’t even need any special equipment. Just a hot iron and a strip of aluminum foil will do the trick.


Making Old Mirrors Bright Again

If you pick up any interior design magazine you will notice that mirrors are key in making a space seem brighter and more spacious. But with time, the reflective layer on the mirror gets affected, resulting in ugly spots appearing.

Making Old Mirrors Bright Again

Making Old Mirrors Bright Again

There is usually a reflective paint on the circumference of the mirror which is similar to the silver surface of tin foil. Take a strip of aluminum, tape it to the frame of the mirror and voila! Mirror healed!