Homemade Sprinkler
If you don’t have a sprinkler or yours has broken, you can use this DIY hack in the meantime. You just need an empty plastic bottle and some water.

Homemade Sprinkler
Pierce an empty soda bottle to create some holes, and then attach the neck of the bottle to your garden hose, and there you have it, your very own temporary DIY sprinkler.
Pocket-Sized Cookie Shapers
Everyone, no matter what age, enjoys making cookies, especially when they can be of various shapes, sizes, and flavors, and even more so as a family activity where the interaction is important and learning can also take place through fun.

Pocket Sized Cookie Shapers
The best part of the cookie making experience is all the different shapes and sizes you can make. But you don’t have to spend money on all sorts of molds, which can also be limiting too! Just get some aluminum foil which you can fold into a strip that you can then curve, bend, and mold into whatever shape you desire! Let your imagination run wild while you create both memories and something yummy.