Vinegar for Cleaning
This useful cooking product is actually a great help in cleaning. A little bit of white vinegar will cut your scrubbing time in more than half when trying to get cloudy water stains out of glasses.

Vinegar For Cleaning
You can either soak them in some diluted white vinegar or just dip a rag in some vinegar and clean as usual. You can use this trick for dirty faucets, as it can also help get rid of the build-up of limescale, as well as for dirty blinds!
Bread to the Rescue!
Glasses can be dropped even by the best of us. Picking up all those pieces of shattered glass can be dangerous, not to mention quite difficult! You probably wouldn’t have guessed it, but bread is here to help.

Bread To The Rescue
Sprinkle some water onto a piece of bread, and just gently press it into the floor where the pieces of shattered glass are. It is much easier than trying to get every last piece with a dustpan and brush!