Ultimate Life Hacks: Things You Never Knew About Aluminum Foil and Plastic Wrap

Published on 06/16/2019

Ad-hoc Baking Platter

Has it ever happened to you where you suddenly have a creative burst and fancy baking something but find you don’t have the right sized platter?

Ad Hoc Baking Platter

Ad Hoc Baking Platter

Well, aluminum foil can help keep your creative flow flowing. Just wrap some around some cardboard and it is as easy as that!


Improve Outdoor Lighting

Not only do plants need lighting, but humans do too. We all need some extra light and especially if your front or back porch is too dark. If you think your outdoor space could use a little ramping up, put some foil outside.

Improve Outdoor Lighting

Improve Outdoor Lighting

You can make a fancy decoration, and play around with it in a way that balances the light in a nice way. Stick it down with tape and see how lovely your garden just lightened up!