Garden Solar Light Distributor
Sun is not just a source of life for plants, but for all living things, so getting as much sun in every part of your garden will really give it the extra boost.

Garden Solar Light Distributor
Get a pretty lamp or just an attractive hanging light fixture and attach a piece of aluminum to it, making sure to adjust the foil so that it can get a good balance of light distribution, aiming it in whatever direction you choose.
Decorative Cakes
You know when you walk past a baker’s shop window and the display is full of those intricately designed cakes, and you wonder how on earth they do that? And is it possible for an amateur baker to create those decorative embellishments at home?

Decorative Cakes
Well, we can’t really give you an answer to the first part of the question, but we do have one to the second. You can create whatever form you like for the decoration out of aluminum foil, then coat it with paints, cream, or icing, and just pop them on your cake to impress your guests! Just make sure they know they are not for eating!