When a parent dies, they will often hand down their jewelry to their beloved children. This is such a sad experience for anyone that having a beautiful memento of their beloved parents is a big comfort. Sometimes, parents pass far too young, and their beautiful pieces become fiercely sentimental and emotional objects for their children. That being said, many parents that pass long before their time will leave some administrative duties for their children that they did not have time to sort out during their living years. Something like the subject of inheritance might not have been solidified by a younger parent, leaving the kids to sort through their possessions. This often leads to phenomenal discoveries. As for Lydia, the death of her mother was a terribly tragic event for her. But when she uncovered something regarding her mother’s past, her understanding of the woman was shockingly changed forever…Each person has one object that they value above all others, one which has an incredible story to tell. In the case of Sara, it was that beautiful ring that was always on her finger. You wouldn’t be out of bounds assuming that it was a wedding ring, but in this case, the truth lies in another department entirely.

A Lady Kept The Ring That Once Belonged To Her Mother On For 25 Years And Screamed When A Jeweler Revealed Something Shocking To Her
The Piece
Sara had lived her entire life as a spinster. Her family and friends knew that she was not going to tie the knot, perhaps ever. The ring that she wore was then an incredibly curious point of questioning, but Sara had never found the courage to tell everyone its secret origin and worth. Even Lydia, her daughter, had been kept in the dark. Whatever secrets this ring contained, Sara would hold onto them forever and ever.

The Piece